Author of A Memory of Flight, I Am Celtic, Lucifer and The Book of Life.

What, as human beings, are we most afraid of? If you quickly asked around you could summarise people's responses broadly into dark forces that manifest as something we often refer to as evil. Evil is typically equated with darkness, but this is not fair because true darkness is a primeval and necessary energy that gave rise to the universe we know and love.
What humanity refers to as evil is really a confused energy that has not found harmonisation between darkness and light. When we look within and accept that we are both darkness and light—and that these energies are both God—then we are on our way to really understanding our own natures and that of the everlasting.
The ancient Egyptian Mysteries referred to a God-like creature called Memnon—the Snake God. This reptilian archetype teaches humanity about the nature of our dark side, but this does not necessarily mean evil. Darkness is metaphysically the opposite of light. Darkness and light create balance and all things within the cosmos must eventually reach a state of equilibrium. The yin-yang symbol is a snapshot of the concept of dark/light harmony.

In my book A Memory of Flight the protagonist comes face to face with Memnon in his dark world as she seeks out her soul's purpose. She is sent there by the Angels from their ethereal world of light. In my books, both of these worlds, and many like them, exist in the cosmos simultaneously and in harmony—complimentary and balanced in their opposing forces. Both are part of God's evolving creation.
In ancient Egypt, Memnon was a servant of the Sun God and therefore represented the pure origins of cosmic light.
In my most recent book on the Egyptian Mysteries: The Book of Life, I explore a number of glyphs and composite glyphs that represent ascended concepts such as Love and Light. Many of the ancient Egyptian practices and symbols arose from their universal connection to all-that-is and were far more than two-dimensional etchings in stone.

The Uraeus symbol is a snake (or cobra) crowned by a sundisc, or any image of an interrelationship between the snake and the sun; as in the adjacent image of a snake encircling the sun and crowning Horus the falcon.

The snake was a symbol of the lower, or Earthly, life while the vulture was symbolic of the upper or spiritual life. The Uraeus snake is usually shown with six ventricles as a metaphor for the human heart. Although the human heart has four physical chambers, metaphysically it has six, like the six circles that make up the Flower of Life grid—another powerful universal concept not unique to ancient Egypt. Memnon shows that it is within the heart center that the divine self and the material self come together in human beings. As a servant of the Sun God, the snake reminds humans of their unlimited creative power to manifest the will of the divine through their heart-centers, combining the dark lower energies with the light upper energies to perform miracles.
The message is that through the darkest parts of ourselves humanity can access the greatest source of light—because they are one and the same thing. The clearest channel to God is one that accepts the power of both darkness and light. Humanity undermines and disempowers itself when it denies either its darkness or its light. Once again, this does not mean evil as we know it, but the pure dark energies that were available at the beginning.

In more recent religious texts than those of ancient Egypt we come across the dark Angel Lucifer. In my book on Lucifer I explain how his name means light-bringer or carrier of the light. In truth, this angel voluntarily chose to descend from the Angelic realm to serve humanity. Lucifer does this by enabling kharmic tests that move souls through spiritual evolution and into full consciousness. He uses his precious darkness to bring humanity into the light, not only for our benefit but for the cosmos at large.
Human beings fail time and again to attain a state of perfection because our image of perfection has been skewed through time. What we have come to believe as goodness is often an unattainable ideal in the form of concepts we cannot identify with or live up to. This is because these ideals do not really exist outside of who we truly are. The most perfect and Godly personification each individual can be is themselves—albeit the highest version of themselves.
Avatars throughout history have needed to come face to face with their darkness in order to realise their light. The avatar Yeshua (Jesus) was deeply imperfect and needed to surrender to the most primal parts of himself in order to reach his divinity and synthesise his duality. Getting more in touch with our human-ness means getting to truly know ourselves, and is the only way to purify our spirits on the path to conscious ascension. Our true power as human beings is in accepting all parts of ourselves and bringing this duality into the light. When we deny parts of us that we, or society, deem unacceptable we disempower ourselves and move further away from full consciousness. Consciousness means having an awakened knowledge of ourselves, life, and the way things are; and as long as we are pretending to be something that we are not we remain in unconsciousness. The ascended master Yeshua's greatest life achievement was coming to terms with this truth. I extrapolate on Yeshua's life story in a forthcoming book.
Most of the world's religions are based primarily on goodness and on achieving perfection as human beings in an imperfect world. But individuals need to achieve this perfection within them first by balancing their own dark and light natures before taking their power out into the world. As long as humanity considers themselves separate from their creator and that they can only aspire to reach the perfection of God they will remain out of balance. Because perfect balance exists within each human being as darkness and light—as God. Only from within can we reflect the perfection of God and this is because we are not separate from this source of creation.
I will end with the words of Memnon the Snake God from A Memory of Flight: “In the beginning of our current universe was the darkness, and only darkness. All things must grow in consciousness in order to exist in an evolving system. The darkness grew lonely and wanted to realize its own being, and so created anti-darkness, or light. And so from the darkness, light was born, and one cannot exist without the other since it requires darkness to know light and vice versa. Darkness is pure evil, and light is pure good. However, evil is not how we understand it on Earth but rather it is an essence that flows in toward its source—the coldness, the darkness, the abyss. Good on the other hand radiates out from itself—the warmth, the light, the mountain. Together they are God, and everything in creation contains both or it would not exist.”

Author Bio: Elizabeth Beckett is an author and a mystic whose visionary and metaphysical books reveal deep and ancient truths about life. From the origin of humanity, through lost civilizations and continents, to the celestial realms, Elizabeth recreates history with spiritual poignancy and introduces readers to startling new realities.
Elizabeth has been writing and publishing since 2010, although she began scribbling and researching in 2006. She draws inspiration from her own spiritual quest as well as from an affinity to the human journey of soul consciousness and planetary evolution.
Elizabeth is not comfortable with having a public image and the photo used in profiles is of a Hathor from one of the Egyptian temples.
Her books are available on Amazon.
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